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Empowering empaths to heal and step into their gifts so they can thrive in their life and relationships.

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Throat Chakra Meditation

Holder of sacred space, Empath, intuitive guide and healer, I am here to empower you on your journey home back to yourself.

Are you tired of living in a state of overwhelm? Of being told you are too sensitive and should toughen up? Of numbing out from all your feelings because this world is just. too. much? Sister, I FEEL you! I WAS you! And I am here FOR you! To guide you in  finally CLAIMING your gifts as an Empath and step into your POWER. You deserve to have a heart-centered life you can thrive in! I am here to help you reconnect with your heart’s desires, your true essence, your power and your purpose. 


Hello love,
I'm  Laura Ann, your
Healing Mentor.

"My time with Laura Ann has not only led to a dramatic improvement in my physical health, more importantly she has given me tools to navigate the path home to my true self."


From Self-Destuct to Self-Love

A self-guided online course to help you take control of self-sabbotaging behaviours.


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